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money coaching for your soul

  • Does money feel unreliable or unsafe?

  • Do you spend a lot of time worrying about money? 

  • Do you experience self-judgment and shame about money?

  • Are you a spiritual seeker, tired of a long money-healing journey, and ready to finally experience money as safe and free-flowing in your life? 

If you are nodding your head in recognition, my friend, ALCHEMY was made for you.

In a world of quick-fixes that often leave you chasing, anxious, or feeling broke—here is something different.

It’s time for money to feel like love —generous, reliable, joyful, and safe!

ALCHEMY is a revolutionary program to rewire your relationships to money at the deepest level, so that you can welcome wealth in big and generous ways.  

Our money wounds are not “bad habits” to be overcome or “low vibe” behavior to run away from. 

They are the portal to our deepest desires, and they light the way to parts of ourselves most in need of love and integration. 

When we turn towards the places where money is frustrating or painful, and we deeply and compassionately witness the tenderness there, our wounds transform before our eyes. 

The cracks fill with gold, and the world reorders itself around us. 

"I am in awe and shocked by the shifts. I am quite blown away by the impact of Alchemy."


It’s time for radical change.

ALCHEMY is a journey to create…

  • Safety

    • Build an unshakable sense of safety in the center of your being 

  • Freedom

    • Discover access to generous choices, freely made  

  • Impact

    • Activate your ability to make powerful moves in your life and out in the world.

  • Joy

    • Free from the churn of money fears, life becomes a hell of a lot more fun. 

  • Abundance 

    • Welcome the relief and pleasure of allowing and receiving more-than-enough.

The way you've been taught to think about money is designed to keep you feeling inadequate and scrambling for survival. You are not defined by your debts, your money struggles, or your unfulfilled dreams of freedom. 

You are a product of a world obsessed with convincing you that you are not enough, and it’s time to change that script.

The power to transform your relationship with money lies within you–but the tools that you’ve been given will not set you free. 

If the money tools that you’ve been given were going to work — they would have worked by now. 

Capitalism promises that your money problems will be solved when you budget better and work harder – a pressure to “bootstrap” your way out of financial stress that has likely left you feeling tired, frustrated, and/or broke. 

Manifestation Culture offers mantras and high-vibe fixes, but these practices are often rooted in gaslighting patterns of self-rejection that can actually make things worse.  

These approaches may provide temporary relief, but inevitably your old money patterns reemerge–because the deeper inner wounds driving your experiences with money remain unresolved. 

To create the profound and lasting change that you dream about, you must dive into depths of your subconscious mind and your somatic experience, to witness and alchemize what lives there.

That is the journey of ALCHEMY—a magic that richly reshapes the very foundation of your life for more joy, more freedom, and more wealth.

"I’m once again blown away by how integrated our money story is with childhood and our bodies. Whew."


What’s Included

  • ALCHEMY Framework

    ALCHEMY is a process, a set of tools, that you will learn and make your own. With this powerful framework, you’ll be able to finally transmute the trauma and baggage surrounding your relationship with money that has kept you broke, frustrated, and stuck for so long.

    The framework is introduced in the robust training, meditation, and exercises found in the course portal, and we practice and unpack it together during our live calls.

  • ALCHEMY Live Coaching

    In ALCHEMY, you’ll get access to three live calls a month.

    Twice a month, I host a live call (Tuesdays at 4pm EDT) to help you deepen and integrate the alchemical process. We come together with the
    intention of gentle and profound transformation of our relationship to money, at the root-level.

    You are also invited to a once-monthly bonus somatic embodiment call, featuring breath work and movement, for powerful integration support.

  • ALCHEMY Community

    You will be surrounded by fellow Alchemists in our private, dedicated community space. You will bear witness to one another’s radical transformation, cheer one another on, and hold space for each other, all while being supported by coaches and peers, alike.

    The community space is hosted and moderated on a private platform.

I’m Kyley, and I’m your guide into the underworld. 

I’ve helped hundreds of people unravel trauma from their money patterns to create a life of freedom and joyful abundance. 

I spent years chasing money, professional prestige, and external approval – only to discover that I was actually running as fast as I could away from my own shame, tender wounds, and anxieties. 

Once I stopped running and turned towards the painful places– places that I was deeply afraid to go, mind you – things started to change. 

Each time I welcomed back a part of myself that I’d been taught to reject, I watched my external world shift—becoming safer and more abundant in dramatic ways. 

These days my clients call me “queen of shadows,” because I will teach you to dance in the dark and love the parts of yourself that you’ve been taught to hate.  

Together we will dive into the shadows, the places in our heart where you are afraid to go, and you will discover that here, too, you are home. 

When you are at home in your own heart, you are rooted into the kind of unconditional safety and love described by the great mystics – and from there money, life, and opportunities begin to flow with tremendous ease.

My tools include somatic embodiment, integrative parts work, inner child healing, shamanic journeying, energy work, emotional alchemy, and good old-fashioned listening. 

The Curriculum

Month 1: Rewrite Your Money Story

ALCHEMY is a practice and a framework. Learn the process for uncovering and transforming your limitations to creating and receiving money. 

Month 2: Embody Safety

Discover where chronic unsafety lives in your body, and create a deep internal well of safety, in order to welcome and allow the safety of wealth. 

Month 3: Friction is Freedom

Together we will turn towards the points of friction, especially those around money, power and receiving, to cultivate freedom where there has been constraint.

Month 4: The Fire of Desire

And embodied practice to increase your somatic and subconscious capacity for receiving, in order to safely allow a rich flow of wealth, resources, and care. 

Month 5: The Fire of Desire

Desire – the ferocious hunger of your body and heart – is the superpower of creation. 

Learn to trust fully the wisdom of your own desire and turn on the magnet of wealth creation.

Month 6: Infinite Creator

Blow the lid of creating what you desire. Embody the practice of safely and joyfully creating and receiving exactly what you want – without limit.

“Kyley’s work has absolutely changed my life for the better…I wouldn't have a lot of the great things I have in life currently without her support.”


“You made me feel loved and accepted in ways that I struggled to love and accept myself. And you have fearlessly and generously walked me through the steps of detangling and reframing my inner narrative, and letting friction, resistance, shame, and fear be portals.”


“I am in awe and shocked by the shifts. I am quite blown away by the impact of Alchemy."


“Working with Kyley is the best gift I could have given myself.”


“Kyley is THE person I go to when I feel profoundly stuck…. She is my healer, my guide, the rototiller that gets at the very roots of what’s got me tangled up. It never fails that I make thousands within days of meeting with her.” 


Frequently Asked Questions

  • This program is for the spiritual seeker fed up with the status quo, and ready to dramatically change their relationship with money.

    You are no stranger to the magic of inner transformation, and you’re ready to watch that energy remake your external, material world, too.

    This program is for the person who is tired of feeling anxious, stressed, and scared–and is ready to breathe easy and move confidently, with safety and joy. This program is for the person who is finally ready to thrive.

  • You will not be the same person. Your relationship to yourself and your relationship to money will be dramatically different.

    You will walk out of ALCHEMY lighter and freer, with a tremendous well of self-compassion and a powerful set of tools for the ongoing practice of alchemizing any obstacle on the path to your desire.

    You will experience a deeper sense of safety and trust with money than you have known before, and from this free and safe place, money will show up differently. Life will feel abundant, in big and generous ways.

  • We, as humans, are driven almost entirely by our subconscious mind and the emotions and traumas trapped in our bodies. There are many money courses that teach mindset, budgeting tools, strategy, or manifestation rituals, but without changing things at the deepest levels, those tools often fail to make lasting change.

    The transformation in ALCHEMY happens at the deepest level, and that changes everything.

  • No! This is a money course, not a business course. This is for anyone who wants to shift theid relationship to money in powerful ways, and is ready to experience money as safe and loving care in their life.

  • We meet Tuesday at 4pm EST, beginning May 14th, for 90 minutes, twice monthly. Kyley Caldwell hosts ALCHEMY deep-dive coaching calls, to practice and integrate our ALCHEMY journey.

    Once monthly we also have a bonus somatic integration call, featuring breathwork and movement, hosted by somatic embodiment coach, Lucy Spaulding. Date and time of these bonus calls TBD.

    All live calls will be recorded and shared within the course portal, alongside all self-study course materials. The live coaching support runs for 6-months.

  • We have multiple payment options . You can check out the details here.

Still have questions?

You deserve to feel happy, safe, and free—with money and in your life.

Step through the portal and join us.